U2, Band of the World Tour Highest-Income
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U2, Irish rock band, formed in 1976 and consists of Bono (Paul David Hewson, lead singer and guitarist), The Edge (David Howell Evans, guitarist, keyboardist, and vocalist), Adam Claton (bass player), and Larry Mullen Jr. (Lawrence Joseph Mullen Jr., drums and percussion players), scored a new record in the history of world pop music industry as the band's biggest income with income from a tour in which they live.
U2's latest world tour was held from June 2009 to July 2011. The record was achieved by them this week, following their second concert at the Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Accumulated gross revenues of 360 Degrees World Tour through the numbers 305.5 million pounds, or 500.4 million U.S. dollars.
U2 World Tour 360 Degrees perpetuate the group as the owner of the highest gross income from touring the world throughout the history of international pop music. Achieving that while breaking the previous record, which is printed by the band The Rolling Stones from their world tour A Bigger Bang Tour, at 2005-2007.
In terms of ticket sales too, U2 can suck approximately five million fans to buy tickets - the first concert (first series), in Barcelona (Spain) in 2009, until the concert date (sixth series), in Sao Paolo. U2 still will hold one (series) more concerts in North America, which ended in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, on July 30, 2011.
Records were also at the same time they beat the previous world tour, Vertigo, in 2005, which attracted 4,619,021 people. Additional estimates, if 360 Degrees World Tour ends in Canada, the cumulative gross revenue they estimated to reach 427.8 million pounds or a total of 700.8 million U.S. dollars. Some brand-new nickname is also given on the achievement of that record. For example, U2 with "Bono-fide" it, a play on the name of Bono, that means the bona fide.
U2's latest world tour was held from June 2009 to July 2011. The record was achieved by them this week, following their second concert at the Morumbi Stadium, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Accumulated gross revenues of 360 Degrees World Tour through the numbers 305.5 million pounds, or 500.4 million U.S. dollars.
U2 World Tour 360 Degrees perpetuate the group as the owner of the highest gross income from touring the world throughout the history of international pop music. Achieving that while breaking the previous record, which is printed by the band The Rolling Stones from their world tour A Bigger Bang Tour, at 2005-2007.
In terms of ticket sales too, U2 can suck approximately five million fans to buy tickets - the first concert (first series), in Barcelona (Spain) in 2009, until the concert date (sixth series), in Sao Paolo. U2 still will hold one (series) more concerts in North America, which ended in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, on July 30, 2011.
Records were also at the same time they beat the previous world tour, Vertigo, in 2005, which attracted 4,619,021 people. Additional estimates, if 360 Degrees World Tour ends in Canada, the cumulative gross revenue they estimated to reach 427.8 million pounds or a total of 700.8 million U.S. dollars. Some brand-new nickname is also given on the achievement of that record. For example, U2 with "Bono-fide" it, a play on the name of Bono, that means the bona fide.
Source : Kmps