Milk Can Solve Difficulty Sleeping
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Some people feel anxiety, difficulty closing his eyes at night. It would be tortured because of impact on the fitness of the body the next day.
According to nutrition experts Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof.Dr.Ir.Made Astawan, MS could try to drink milk at night. Milk can calm the mind, making it easier to sleep.
"Milk contains tryptophan which is needed by the body. The body will convert tryptophan into hormone xerotonin where these hormones provide a calming effect or calm effect which serves to make peace," said Made to Today in Jakarta, Saturday (23 / 4 / 2011).
Anxiety that causes trouble sleeping, according to Made will make people stress if left untreated. By drinking milk or bananas contain tryptophan and Xerotonin high.
"So easy to sleep because the baby is routinely given milk as well as we would if the routine every day one drink, bananas also contain high xerotonin," said professor IPB.
source : tdy