For the Children, Pitt and Jolie Think Wedding
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Tree of Life movie stars Brad Pitt and girlfriend Angelina Jolie, claimed to rethink plans second marriage for the sake of their children.
Pitt and Jolie now have been blessed with six children. They are Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. Three of them are the child of adoption. "They asked about marriage. It can be interpreted, the meaning of marriage seem to be important for them. So, it looks like it will be something that will we think," said Pitt, the protagonist in the film's Inglourious Basterds.
Togetherness and love of the six children who change the principle that so far they hold. Intimacy that exists between the Pitt-Jolie together with six children walk like an intimate family consisting of father, mother and child.
Although their lives are not normal though, Pitt and Jolie tried to present the "normal" of it. "Having a child means the food should look good for their breakfast, make sure they've brushed my teeth before bed, and be on their side when they were a nightmare," said the man who had previously been married, but eventually divorced, with Jeniffer Aniston this.
He added too, this family is warm. "The atmosphere is chaotic, the children busy making rowdy atmosphere from morning until the lights turned on, even after that," added Brad.