
Twitter Launches Photo and Video Sharing Service

Rumors about the intentions Twitter launched a photo sharing service and the video itself is fulfilled. Site 'Twitter' formally introducing these new features in D9 Conference, Rancho Palos, Verdes, California.

Services, which previously carried a third-party applications range Twitpic and yfrog, it will be used all Twitter users in the near future.

"An innate photosharing experience will be rolled out across 10 percent of users over the next few weeks," said CEO Dick Costolo Twitter in D9 Conference, as quoted www.today.co.id from Mashable (01/06/2011).

This service allows photos and videos directly connected to the tweets. Picture the image will be viewable on Twitter.com without leaving the site. Twitter also will "show the most popular videos and tweets" in the new part of the face page, said Costolo.

Users who access Twitter via the phone or other mobile devices also can add photos and videos of their application immediately, according to Jack Dorsey creator of Twitter through official blog site.

Twitter participate together with other services in this new feature, namely Photobucket. As a result of each photo on twitter will be marked "powered by Photobucket" - which, when clicked, will redirect to a page that allows users to edit, share or store photos on Photobucket.

But in that way, whether to make Twitter had a right of ownership over these photos? "Users will have the right to their own photos on Twitter," said Costolo.

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Posted by Anggo82 on Friday, June 03, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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