
Microsoft Introduces Internet Explorer 10

Less than a month after launching Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) is reportedly a success, Microsoft is now introducing IE10
Mix11 developer conference event held in Las Vegas, United States (U.S.), IE10 utilized Microsoft to show off the first time.

Reported by Mashable and quoted on Wednesday (13/04/2011), IE10 previews are already available for download it is a continuation of the work done in the case of Microsoft's hardware acceleration, HTML5 and CSS3.

"IE10 built on full hardware acceleration and continuing our focus on site-ready web-standards," said Corporate Vice President of Internet Explorer Dean Hachamovitch.

"This combination enables developers to deliver the best performance for their Windows customers while using web standard markup the same in all browsers," he added.

Hachamovitch said, Microsoft only took three weeks to develop IE10. At the Mix11 conference, he demonstrated some ability IE10 and mentioned that the browser is equipped with additional support for CSS3, including gradients and layout Flexible Box. IE10 additional previews will be released every eight to 12 weeks.

Source : dtk

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Posted by Anggo82 on Thursday, April 14, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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