
Sexual problems can be caused by Tired of Working

Tired of being too busy working couples often become the cause of not getting enough sex. The reason could be due to various things. Usually, because they do not have enough energy to have sex. This could happen to you and your husband.

Plus office tasks that create stress, bad effects will be greater for your love life. Because stress and fatigue that is, most married couples do not have the time and opportunity to think about sex, which resulted in domestic relations were cold and bland.

Fatigue due to overwork, not only affect sexual activity but also the ability to physically reporoduksi. In women, may have difficulty producing lubrication during lovemaking. While in men, may experience premature ejaculation.

These conditions must not be allowed to drag on, because it could lead to the destruction of marriage. If the work began to bring bad impact on your sex life and romance, immediately make changes to fix it!

The key to maintaining the warmth and the husband wife relationship is actually only one. That is able to balance between work and personal life. How did it happen? Check out the tips quoted from the following NetDoctor.

1. Be Honest with your spouse
The first step to do is be honest with your partner. Tell them that you are bothered by this condition (lack of time for sex). Discuss with your partner, nothing needs to be done to revive your sex drive both. For instance, agreed to make the weekend as a time to be alone, what you and your partner want to get good sex or sexual positions such as what makes you both comfortable.

2. Give More Attention your spouse
Too busy and tired from work, sometimes makes us forget the presence of loved ones at home. To restore your sex drive, you should give more attention and affection in couples. For example, packed breakfast or lunch to the office, asking the news today via BlackBerry Messenger or just tidy up her office clothes. Little things like that will make him feel important and cared for.

3. Do not Let Job Interfere Weekends and holidays you
If you want to retain the warmth of romance, do not let problems interfere with work weekends and your vacations. Especially when you're making out with her husband. As much as possible keep electronic devices (laptops, cell phones, Ipod and so on) to enjoy moments of togetherness with the maximum.

4. Create Special Moments At Sex
Prepare a dinner with a romantic candlelight. Although at home, you can just look more special with best dress and makeup (but do not overdo it). But when dinner was quite a hassle, you and he just hugged each other, or watch a romantic movie while holding hands and feeding snacks. After that, you and he can massage each other or shared bath. The key, it takes more effort to create intimacy and sex when in a typical day both of you are busy enough with work.

5. Make a Room More Romantic Atmosphere
Sex drive not only be obtained through body language, touch, food or clothing worn. The atmosphere of the rooms also affects one's mood to make love. Sprinkle the bed and floor of your room with hundreds of rose petals, or substitute cotton sheets and pillowcases with satin. You also can light citrus-scented candles (one fragrance that can increase your sex drive)


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Posted by Anggo82 on Thursday, June 23, 2011. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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