
Dutch Clubs Tumbles

Strongest candidate Europa League champions this season, Villarreal, show quality. Entertaining Dutch representative, FC Twente, The Yellow Submarine won an absolute 5-1, on Thursday (7 / 4).

Playing with the composition of his best players, Villarreal directly display the game quickly. Duet striker Giuseppe Rossi and Nilmar shoulder to shoulder banged Twente defense.

After getting several scoring opportunities in the first round lasted a third time, Villarreal finally opened the scoring at minute 23. Bait football corner Borja Valero Carlos Marchena able forwarded to tear the nets Nikolay Mihaylov.

Efforts to reply to goals from Twente host difficult. Moreover, Twente striker forced to menggantik flagship, Luuk de Jong due to injury. The position of de Jong is replaced by a bomber from Austria, Marc Janko.

Two minutes ahead of the first round was over, Villarreal getting the upper hand. Two additional goals are born through an organized attack.

In the 43rd minute, Santi Cazorla bait sweet breakthrough success forwarded Borja Valero to double the score. And, before the whistle ended the first half, Nilmar ensure excellence landslide hosts before halftime.

Just ten minutes of the second round matches take place, Villarreal again emphasize excellence. Sweet Lesakkan Bruno Rossi after receiving feedback Soriano could not be driven Mihaylov.

Villarreal victory party finally closed through Nilmar in the 80th minute. Still, entertainment Twente won by Janko scored during extra time. With the victory, making Villarreal to the semi-final step quite mild.

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Posted by Anggo82 on Friday, April 08, 2011. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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