Alfalfa Leaf Efficacious Remove Toxins - Reduce Stroke Risk
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The Middle Eastern native plants to save millions of health benefits. Enjoy the freshness regularly, healthy body in return.
Alfalfa is not so popular among our society. Understand it, in addition to their home which is far from subtropical countries, imported alfalfa is available in the market is still very limited with a fairly high too. In European countries, this plant is used for high-quality livestock feed. And in fact, not only useful for cattle, alfalfa chlorophyll content also has various benefits for human health.
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important green plants. In the UK, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand is known as lucerne and lucerne grass in south Asia. Alfafa like clover with purple flowers in groups. This plant can be harvested after 21 days of age, meaning that in a year can be harvested as many as 15 times. In Java, this plant began dibidayakan for export crops.
- Zinc
- Selenium
- Vitamins (A, C, and E)
- Folic acid
- Biotin
- Calcium
- Amino acid triptopan
- Iron
In Chinese medicine this plant made medicines, alfalfa leaf is used to treat diseases associated with digestive tract and kidneys. While in the treatment of India (Ayurveda) as ill digestion. Alfalfa is also believed to be very help relieve arthritis symptoms.
Savor the plant Medicago sativa is the Latin name for human health has indeed been investigated by many health experts the world. According to Drs. Ir. H. W. Nugroho Dipl. WRD, M. Eng., An alfalfa farmer in the area of Boyolali, Central Java, the protein content of alfalfa is very high, "protein, this food analysis, yes, if ditotalkan, the result is 32%. Soybean match. Soy is it 45. "
Complete Nutrition
It is said that alfalfa nutrient content is the most comprehensive among all plants. Almost all the nutrients that are beneficial to health is contained in plants belonging to this family nuts. Call it the mineral. Mineral pre-eminent form of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc contained therein. Vitamins, ranging from vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, K, folic acid also up there. Not surprisingly, this plant is known as the father of all plants.
As noted Prof. Dr. Made Astawan, Food Technology and Nutrition expert IPB in a literature, alfalfa contains components that are functional for the body, such as saponins, sterols, flavonoids, coumarins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, sugars, proteins, minerals, and fiber in the number of quite a lot. Saponin contained in alfalfa roots can inhibit the increase of cholesterol in the blood of test animals.
Also according to Made, Vitamin K is contained in 100 g of alfalfa to meet 38% of the total needs of the body in a day. Vitamin K is essential for the formation of proteins, blood clotting, and as a matter of time antihemolitik bleeding. Affirming that, "If there are injuries cut, sprinkled it with powdered or liquid (alfalfa) is, in seconds (the wound) immediately shut down," said Nugroho.
Accompanying the complete nutrients, chlorophyll alfalfa are also very important. Chlorophyll content of alfalfa that reached four times the chlorophyll of other crops, based on some literature. Chlorophyll provides health benefits such as helping the body remove toxins, balance the acid-base levels in the body, increasing the number of red blood cells, making skin healthy and youthful, as well as boost immunity (AGRINA Issue 75, 15 April 2008).
Prove useful as anticancer (AGRINA Issue 83, August 5, 2008), various studies conducted several health experts had proved that alfalfa efficacious overcome various diseases. "The benefit to health is actually quite a lot, considering its function in warding off free radicals," said Nugroho.
Of the many benefits that are disclosed, including to prevent arthritis and rheumatism, lowers high blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke and inhibit the decrease in nerve function, overcome fatigue, reduce the dangers of smoking, and inhibit aging.
Tea, Instant Powder, and Honey
In the countries of America and Australia, young fresh alfalfa leaves are often mixed in salads. In China have been used as herbal medicine or as a mixture of soup. In Indonesia alone, imports of fresh alfalfa leaves have also been sold in some supermarkets.
The good news is now alfalfa has been cultivated in their own country. In the area of Boyolali, Central Java, alfalfa tropical gardens covering an area of 5 ha have been developed since 2003. "Right now the plant is stable, has until F7 (seventh)," said Nugroho.
Cultivation of alfalfa that had to be conducted in this country also opened up opportunities in the manufacture of alfalfa-based health drink tea and powder form. The difference of both, "If the instant powder, protein taken alone, not too much concentration. While tea was drunk is it liquid chlorophyll, "added Hashim Lecturer Wachid University, Semarang.
Others with a drink of tea and powder, alfalfa honey is a mixture of 50% pure honey with 50% alfalfa extract. Benefits provided of course grow again. "This sort of honey plus yes. Own honey do not you have nutritious, plus alfalfa with antioxidant, "Nugroho promote.
Consumption of alfalfa leaf tea should be without added sugar. However, when consumed in the form it does not matter if you use sugar. Because, "Chlorophylls react with sugar, while the proteins' do not react. Unsweetened tea is delicious too, "explained researcher alfalfa since 2003. As brewing tea in general, "Let's not be too hot. Simply 70 º C only, for 5 minutes. That concentration would be drawn out. Taken as a better warm, "he advised.
This tea is recommended consumed as much as two cups per day. Greenish tea aroma is still very natural. With a little taste Sepat, is spreading the aroma of tea leaves that are fresh, and not bitter like green tea in general. In fact, in dry form while the tea was not brewed, fresh scent it has smelled.
"Alfalfa is need to further introduced to the public. Good for food, medicine, even to feed. It (the plant) very good quality, "said Nugroho. He added that the alfalfa will be developed into a variety of beauty products such as scrubs, and utilization kecambahnya as fresh vegetables.