Apple accused Samsung Copy iPad Technology
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Apple recently filed formal charges to Samsung. Company bitten apple logo is accused Korean technology giant mimic IPAD products, iPod and iPhone in tablet and mobile Galaxy Galaxy Tab.
Samsung, as reported by PC World (4/18/2011), accused of copying technology, design and even the packaging that Apple has on their Android-based devices. This was conveyed through a complaint filed Friday to the District Court for the Northern District of California.
"Instead of pursuing an independent product development, Samsung has chosen slavishly copying the innovative technology, unique interface, and an elegant and distinctive products and packaging design of Apple's, in violation of copyright valuable intellectual property owned by Apple," Apple said as quoted by the demands them.
These complaints include 10 claim patent infringement, trademark infringement and two two trade dress infringement, plus business practices and unjust enrichment. Apple calls the name of Samsung Electronics, Samsung America and Samsung Telecommunications America as defendants.
The demand is targeted at a number of mobile devices including Epic Samsung 4G, Captivate, Indulge, S, and smartphone Nexus S 4G Galaxy and Galaxy brand-new tablet also Tab. Apple's products emphasize the Galaxy in his criticism.
"Copying is so vast, Samsung Galaxy actually looks like Apple products - with the same rectangular shape with rounded corners, the edge of silver, the face of a flat surface with black borders top and bottom substantially, softly curved edges on the back, and square-screen icons colorful with rounded corners, "as quoted in the complaint was returned.
The case was originally filed with the district court but was transferred to the San Francisco Oakland California court. So far Samsung, as reported, did not want to comment.
Source : tdy