
Send troops to Libya, the United Kingdom as in the Vietnam Conflict Stuck

British military personnel will be sent to Libya, led to a warning that Britain is now taking the risk of being sucked into a Vietnam-style conflict that bekepanjangan.

At least ten senior will be sent to Benghazi to try to forge the rebels who tried to overthrow Colonel Moammar Gaddafi to be a credible combat forces.

The minister insisted that the spreading "advisory team of military relations" is not a sign of movement missions, but the Members of Parliament from all parties said that the movement shows that Britain is being dragged deeper into a civil war in Libya.

The announcement came after David Cameron urged ministers formulate new measures to help the rebels, breaking the military stalemate in Libya.

After more than a month of air attacks, the rebels have failed to make significant progress against Colonel Gaddafi. The British command had told Prime Minister that the rebels lack the organization to challenge the government troops.

Cameron, who personally led the international effort to launch the intervention of Libya, said to be "growing impatient" and nervous about the stalemate.

The spread of military advisers is the first movement which emerged from Cameron's request for "creative thinking" on Libya and which officials say could have more announcements to follow.

Can be understood that the Special Forces troops to attack Gaddafi and move to arm the rebels, both of which are under consideration.

The rebel leader in the besieged city, Misrata last night urged Britain and France to proceed further and assign combat troops to protect them from attacks by troops Gaddafi. "If they do not come, we will die," said Abdullah Nuri Abdullati.

William Hague, British Foreign Secretary, said that military advisers will indicate to the rebels of the National Transition Council "how to increase the military organizational structure their communications and logistics."

British personnel would be in that strict orders to take part in the planning or execution of military operations, Hague said: "This is not the assignment of troops to the battlefield, this is not combat troops. People are not the people who fought on the battlefield, advise these people about the organization with. "

French military advisers also spread to Libya. Some French MPs want to deploy combat troops but Alain Juppe, French foreign minister, said he was "overall against" the idea.

The announcement of the UK to design the memorial from the Members of Parliament that the British mission in Libya now has changed significantly from humanitarian attack campaign, approved by the Assembly last month.

Menzies Campbell, former Liberal Democrat leader, warned that Britain took the risk of becoming involved in a swamp in the Libyan military.

He said: "This deployment should not be regarded as a military deployment further installments. Vietnam began with an American president who sent military advisers. We must move with caution."

Conservative Member of Parliament said that Mr Cameron will face many questions in the Assembly next week about changing the mission in Libya. "

Member of Parliament John Baron said: "This is clear evidence of movement of the mission. Now we start putting military personnel on the battlefield, something not even discussed when we debated this issue."

Member of Parliament Peter Bone said: "We seem to take sides in a civil war. What is likely to be correct, but this is not the Government which decided, Parliament to decide," he said.

Military mission was announced when British troops took part in an attack that his sources say boasting a change in NATO tactics.

British and French warplanes continued "deliberate attack, and many times" in the communications center Gaddafi. Royal Navy submarines, Triumph also launched Tomahawk missiles.

Francois Fillon, French Prime Minister, said that many allies will "intensify our military efforts of our air force to prevent Gaddafi's troops pursued their attacks on civilian populations."

To overcome a shortage of NATO fighter aircraft, France has provided additional fighter aircraft and move his Charles De Gaulle to Misurata to provide "rotation and target more quickly", said a source.

source : sm

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Posted by Anggo82 on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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