
Sitting in Front of Computers Potential Stroke

Disease does not always come because of poor diet, but can also be caused by the attitude of our everyday activities. Among them stay seated habits - long in front of the computer that allegedly can cause a stroke.

You belong to a computer maniac? Surely every day you feel at home for hours - hours sitting at the computer. Moreover, today many kinds of websites that bring the Internet mania in bussiness work from home, not to mention the chat on facebook. Gandrungnya So, maybe you can forget everything, because you enjoy the activity together with keyboard and mouse. Beware, without you knowing it, you can get STROKE! ! How did this happen? dr. Silvia Francina Lumempouw, SpS (K) describe the relationship between seat stay - long at the computer with a stroke.


Did A curry just sit on without a break could cause blood clots large - scale on the veins in the legs (or known DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis). On some level, DVT can cause broken veins. Blood will flow in all directions, including vital organs. As a result of light generated in the form of stiff - stiff, while the worst impact in the form of a stroke ..

It should be understood that the workings of different arteries with veins. Arterial blood flow from the heart throughout the body, while the venous blood vessels (veins) drain the blood from all organs of the body back to the heart and lungs - lung. In both of these vital organs, heart and lung - lung, blood oxygenation experience (creation of oxygen) that is absolutely needed by the body tissue.

Veins are encased by muscle - the muscle of the thigh and lower leg, played a major role in the formation of blood clots. In this vein, has a spongy-walled channel insulated - insulation by the valve - the valve, so the blood is pumped from the legs toward the heart back down again.

If we were sitting in a chair while operating the computer, then the position of blood flow in the veins against gravity. Although, already equipped with valve - the valve, still the blood flow in veins is running slow because of the nature of the blood was thick. However, if this slow flow was slowed again by foot condition that is not flexible or rigid that caused us to sit too long, turning the internet, it is definitely the blood flow rate will increase slowly. As a result, blood can clot in place. The danger, if the blood clot that first - first against the wall of veins that just unstable or easily separated. Blood clot that was subsequently washed off the blood flow to the top and can be about anywhere.

If the blockage occurs only in blood vessels behind the upper legs or hips, most - most only cause pain, heat or stiff - stiff. Besides, any temporary nature, means it will be gone within a few hours, so it does not cause serious problems. However, according to dr. Silvia, who need to watch out if the blockage / blood clot had entered into the vital organs, such as to one of the pulmonary artery - lungs or blood vessels in the brain. There will be a pulmonary embolism (lung - pulmonary congestion), while the clot / blockage that occurs in the brain more dangerous, because it can cause a stroke.


Strokes are the symptoms of brain attack or sudden interruption of blood circulation in the brain. The important thing to watch out for today is a shift in the age of the patient. In countries - developed countries stroke occurs over the age of 60, and based on research that the cases that attack the elderly because at a young age to consume lots of fatty foods. Meanwhile, for the stroke that attack people in productive age, caused by an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking habit, rarely exercise, much eating high fat foods) or other reasons such as occurs from birth abnormalities of blood vessels, hypertension and diabetes.

So, in this case is very important, understanding the work processes of blood flow to avoid the occurrence of stroke. Need a high vigilance, especially for those who work in offices or other computer user where to stay - long at the computer. Do not sit for hours - hours in front of a computer without a break. Get used to interrupt the computing activity once every 2 hours by standing, moderate exercise such as the move - move your feet while sitting or walking. The goal is to facilitate blood flow, so there is no blockage.

Actually there is a simple way to anticipate the blockage of blood clots or DVT. For example, when typing, muscle - muscle is activated by moving the foot - move slowly - land. Or put your legs on a chair placed in a position parallel to our feet, so that the position of both feet do not hang too long.

Sedentary lifestyle make the metropolis more comfortable working at the computer than outdoors. Unfortunately, the pattern of sedentary work is to shorten life expectancy.

In 2005, approximately 1.6 billion adults (15 years and over) are overweight and 400 million are obese. It is estimated that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults are overweight and 700 million are obese. The cause is due to physical inactivity.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical inactivity is a term to identify people with regular physical activity levels are low or not at all so that the combustion energy is not more than 1.5 times the burning energy while resting.

Behavior is not active in the community found that many activities, sitting down, sit back, or lie outside of time sleeping, such as watching television, playing video games, working at the computer, and others. Widespread disease called sitting disease, ie diseases caused by sitting too long.

According to the American Cancer Society in July 2010, 94 percent of women and 48 percent of men spend time by sitting or inactive for 6 hours a day have a risk of dying sooner than they are in and sit less than 3 hours a day.

"It could be seen from a variety of factors, including customs and social classes: upper, middle, and bottom. Under the economic circles have to work hard, be physically active. Sometimes active middle class and upper class, while all department, agency or less trained to move, "said Nano Oerip, Fitness Training Manager Fitness First after the launch of the International Fitness Week 2011 in Senayan City, Jakarta, recently.

Inactive lifestyle increases the risk of obesity, hypertension, and cholesterol. Calories settles, in particular, can lead to type 2 diabetes. In fact, 66 percent Asian population get diabetes type 2 due to obesity which of course originated from the lack of movement. Indonesia itself into the position of the four countries with the highest type 2 diabetes, after China, India and the United States.

Although many factors are interrelated with the risk of disease, such as sports, food, environmental, and spiritual, Nano stressed that the factor of activity or movement played a major role.

"I love the picture of village life. They get up for, ngeretek (smoking clove-red), complete breakfast, plowing the fields 3-4 hours, then complete lunch, drink sweet tea, ngeretek, plow the land again, and so on. But, they could live longer. We are with existing technology, it does not guarantee (health), "he explained.

"First is the activity or motion. How can we not underestimate the movement, because movement will trigger metablisme to not always the same, whatever little, 30 minutes is enough, "he added.

Some of the negative effects of sitting too long, such as :

1. The body began to shut down the functions at the level of metabolism. When the muscle-especially the large muscles to move like a foot-to stand still, circulation slows down and your body will burn fewer calories. (Marc Hamilton, Ph.D., associate professor of biomedical sciences at the University of Missiouri).

2. Threatening posture and spinal health. (Douglas Lentz, specialist and Director of Fitness and Wellness for Summit Health in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania).

3. The enzymes responsible for breaking trigeliserida (a type of fat) began to inactive. The longer it sits, the more enzyme activity decreased by 50 percent. (James Levine MD, PhD, from Mayo Clinic).

4. Sports activities for 30 minutes at the health club was not enough to counter the harmful effects of sitting 8-10 hours. (Genevieve Healy PhD, a researcher from the University of Queensland, Australia)

source : sm

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Posted by Anggo82 on Friday, April 22, 2011. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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