
Trivial mistake Reveals Secret British Nuclear

Ministry of Defence has admitted that confidential information about British nuclear-powered submarines are available on the internet by accident.

The part that blackened with the intention of the technical errors of the Ministry can be read online report by copying it into another document.

Details are reported by entering the expert opinion about how well the ship was able to deal with a fatal accident.

The ministry said the secure version has now been published and they tried to stop to such incidents do not happen again.

Information also includes actions taken by the U.S. Navy to protect its nuclear submarines, the Daily Star reported on Sunday (17 / 4).

The document is an assessment by the head of the Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator, Komodir Andrew McFarlane, of the options for future reactor submarines to replace Trident fleet.

Some parts of the document published on the parliament website removed to protect sensitive information.

In part that should be released, concluded that the reactors are potentially vulnerable to fatal accidents.

This causes the cabinet proposed that the different types used in the future.

Conservative legislator Patrick Mercer, a former high-ranking Army, said the leak was a potential disaster, with details that are very attractive to the enemies of England.

Ministry spokesman, who was told about this blunder by the Daily Star Sunday, said, "The Ministry is very grateful to the journalist who told us about this problem."

"Soon after we were told about this, we take steps to ensure that documents removed from the public domain and replaced by a version that has been diredaksi properly."

"We treat the nuclear safety seriously and do everything we can to prevent recurrence of this incident."

"It's very embarrassing," said an MoD source. "Whoever is responsible should be fired. Americans would be angry with the procedures they are exposed."

Computer security expert Graham Cluely calling it a mistake blunder school children.

"This is a very stupid thing to do," he said. "Anyone with basic knowledge about computers will know how to read it. I can only assume that they commissioned a junior staff member to handle it

Source : sm

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Posted by Anggo82 on Monday, April 18, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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