
Crying Too Long Dangerous For Baby Brains

Crying is normal and become one of the ways babies communicate. But if he was often cranky, crying loudly and inconsolably, may be it is a sign of your baby, including baby difficult.

Excessive crying, especially in infants who are older than three months and was not caused by colic or illness, according to experts could be a sign your child may include children who have hyperactivity and concentration problems (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / ADHD).

An estimated one in five babies who cry excessively have a characteristic, coupled with sleep and eating disorders, an early symptom behavioral disorders later in life.

The team of international researchers to compare data from 22 research carried out between 1987 to 2006 and found a link between the characteristics of difficult children with ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression and aggressive behavior.

Professor Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick said the risk to experience greater behavioral disorders in children who have all three characteristics; excessive crying, difficulty sleeping and eating disorders.

However, parents do not have to worry too much if her baby has these characteristics. "Parents can prevent this behavior disorders as early as possible," says Wolke.

Children with excessive crying can be soothed with a way to make him comfortable, either through arms, eyes, humming or keep him away from environments that are too stimulating himself. Other studies show that babies left to cry for too long at risk of experiencing psychological problems later in life.

Not only psychological problem, earlier, an expert in child development in the UK advises parents not to let their baby cry for too long. The reason, babies who cry too much at risk of brain disorders.

Claims that gave rise to this debate mentioned by Dr. Penelope Leach, in his latest book The Essential First Year - What Parents Need to Know Babies. Dr Leach said, recent research studies prove that the cry for a long time can interrupt the formation of the brain that cause difficulties for children in learning in their lifetime.

"This is not an opinion, but the fact that letting the child cry it has the potential to cause harm. Now we know why it's risky," said the expert who is known for his book in 1970 titled Your Baby And Child: From Birth To Age Five.

The theory offered Dr. Leach is contrary to the beliefs of parents and experts for this that the baby may be left to cry for 20 minutes. Several other development experts, including "Queen of Routine", Gina Ford, author of The Contented Little Baby Book in 1999-advised parents to adopt habits like letting their baby cry and to form a regular sleep pattern.

However, Dr Leach said, newborns do not have the mental maturity to "learn" to sleep at the right time.

"Babies who are left struggling in a long time it will stop crying, but not because he has learned to sleep alone in a fun way. Rather, it is exhausted and desperate for help," says Dr Leach.

Further, Dr. Leach explains that the crying can trigger increased production of stress hormones, namely cortisol. With the cry for a long time and occurred repeatedly, meaning that cortisol is produced will be much that can harm the brain. "Some neuroscientists describe it would be toxic to the brain," he said.

However, continued Dr. Leach, a fact that does not mean that the baby should not cry at all, or the parents become worried when her son was crying.

"All babies cry, more often than others. Not that crying is a bad thing for the baby, but crying is not getting the response," he explained.

The opinions expressed Dr Leach, who also published a number of British media, in contrast with the results of another study published last month. The study was initiated by a team from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Australia.

The research studied 225 six-month-old infants who received behavioral sleep intervention. The results showed the baby in the "control group"-or those who are left to cry in a certain time, not adversely affected either emotional or behavioral development of children at the time.

Several other studies indicate that 50 percent of parents have problems with sleep patterns of her children, and often times due to domestic problems


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Posted by Anggo82 on Thursday, April 28, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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