
WikiLeaks: U.S. Often Hold not Guilty Afghans

Naqibullah aged about 14 years when U.S. troops held in December 2002 in a militant camp in eastern Afghanistan.

Has not fired a weapon in his hand and he seems to have been left with a group of cooks and the kids messenger when a local war commander, who received information about the attack, fled.

A U.S. intelligence assessment that was written in 2003 concluded that Naqibullah was kidnapped and forced to join by tribal fighting which is affiliated with the Taliban. The boy told interrogators that during his abduction he was mugged weapons by 11 men.

However, Naqibullah detained in Guantanamo for one full year.

A citizen of Afghanistan is the most widely held in the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center, with a total of 221 adult men and boys. However, they are often found not to have links with international terrorism, according to more than 750 secret intelligence assessment written at Guantanamo between 2002 and 2009. The assessment was obtained WikiLeaks and submitted to the McClatchy newspaper.

In at least 44 cases, U.S. military intelligence officials concluded that the detainees had no links with militant activity altogether. The number was probably higher, but could not be determined from information in several judgments, which are often only a few paragraphs in length for Afghans who were released in 2002 and 2003.

Still, it is clear from his own assessment that the U.S. military out of commanders and senior Taliban, Afghans are in the majority of conscripts groups, insurgents, criminals, innocent eyewitness. Only 45 that presents a high level threat, and only 28 are considered to have high intelligence value. At least 203 Afghans have been freed.

Defense Department officials declined to comment on the content of the WikiLeaks documents, said that the document is stolen property and remain confidential.

The record does not contain any single explanation of why so many Afghans with little connection to terrorism who were detained at Guantanamo, a facility that is said by the administration of George W. Bush intended only to detain the most serious terror suspects.

Anecdotes of the document suggests that many of the false arrest Afghan detainees. Others handed over to U.S. forces by Afghan commanders and local militia, who provides false information about them in exchange for reward money or to form local rivals.

There is also the desire of U.S. intelligence analysts, especially after the attacks of 11 September 2001, to spread their net as widely as possible. They tried to unite all things ranging from land routes which used to cross from Afghanistan into Pakistan, to the relationship between the Taliban and Al Qaeda.


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Posted by Anggo82 on Thursday, April 28, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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