
How Easy & Effective For Children Brilliant Brain

Where parents are not happy with the presence of the baby. Only, there are still many children who developed a way not right so the ability his brain less than perfect.

Doctor Soedjatmiko, Sp.A (K), Msi, a consultant pediatrician and social growth and develop-pediatrics, said the child's brain develops depends not only nutrition, but also compassion and stimulus.

Compassion may be a provision of safety, comfort, protected, cared for, valued, feeling happy, and corrections (not threats and punishment).

"While the stimulus is to provide a stimulus to sharpen sensory, motor, emotional-social, speech, cognitive, self help, creativity, leadership, moral, and spiritual," he said.

Soedjatmiko added that today's children growing phenomenon that is quite apprehensive. For poor families, it's normal growth and development of children is limited because it is unable to provide adequate nutrition. Financial limitations also restrict access to the world of education.

But ironically, the failure of development of the child also occurs in the family is financially able. This is because, the parents do not have time to give affection and sufficient stimulus to assist the development of brain cells and neurotransmitters in the brain of children.

In fact, all three of these external factors are complementary and help create a generation of good children, in addition to hereditary factors. If one factor was not completed then the child fails to develop properly.

"The first two years of age is the age at which children need the completeness of nutrition, affection, and a stimulus to create the development of the body, emotions, and mentally during life," he said.

In the first two years, the brain activity of children in circumstances that are very active in shaping the brain cells, branching cells, neurotransmitters, and chemical substances in the brain.

The third factor which influences the number of brain cells and brain cell branching. If these three factors are met, then comes the brain cells and branching bersinergis cells. If not met, then the child's brain contained only a few brain cells (stunted growth), the branching of brain cells was not bersinergis.

Added Soedjatmiko, "If one is not met, growth will be retarded child, the child can not control emotions, not skilled in solving problems, behavioral disorders."

Therefore, development of the child depends on how parents provide love and education. Parents are encouraged always to take the time to the baby because the child's future begins with teaching parents during the formation of infant brains.

Just start by doing fun activities, interactive which will stimulate a child's brain. The easiest way to do this is to play in an atmosphere of joy.

According to child development expert Dr Soedjatmiko SpA (K) activity and an atmosphere of love play is essential in order to stimulate all the sensory systems, train the fine and gross motor skills, communication skills and the child's feelings and thoughts.

Stimulation or stimulation from an early age is one of the most important external factor in determining the child's intelligence. This impulse can be given when the mother conceived. In addition to stimulation, there are other external factors that influence the quality of intelligence of a child nutrition, appropriate parenting and affection towards children.

The more varied stimuli received by infants and toddlers, the more complex the structure of the synapse or the relationship between cells of the brain. "The more often and received strong stimulation, the growing strength of the connections between cells of the brain. The more complex and stronger synapses, the higher and varies also children's intelligence," said Soedjatmiko.

Keep in mind, human brain cells are formed from three-four months in the womb and will continue until the age of three or four years. Not surprisingly, this age range are also often referred to as the golden period of development of the child. At this time, the number of brain cells can grow up to billions, although initially there was no relationship between cells. This is where the importance of the role of parents in shaping and determining the set of relationships between cells and the complex is so qualified by performing stimulation.

Stimulation can be done as early as possible since the fetus in the womb the fetus by bringing chat, sing songs, play songs on the radio cassette attached to the mother's abdomen or recite prayers while stroking-ngelus mother's abdomen.

While entering the age of infants and toddlers, activity stimulation may be more diverse, such as bathing, changing diapers, feeding, feeding, holding, walk, play until bedtime.

Examples of stimulation for infants 0 to 3 months for example, seek a sense of comfortable, safe and fun, hugging, holding, gazing at the baby's eyes, inviting smile, speak, to hide the various voices or music alternately, hang brightly colored and moving objects, objects which reads, overthrow baby from side to side, stomach, back, stimulated to hold toys.
At the age of 3-6 months, continued stimulation with the lure children to find the source of the sound, play "-a-boo" and see the face in the mirror. Seeing, reaching, and kicking the toy is also good to train motor skills. Invite a child also observe small objects or moving objects. Train he took a small object and hold it with both hands. At this age, babies also usually begin to learn to sit and eat their own.

"Importantly, stimulation should be performed every day in an atmosphere of fun and loving. Stimulation also be varied adjusted age and developmental abilities of children and should be done by parents or family," said Soedjatmiko.

Sleep is important for Growth

Quality sleep for babies and children is the moment of brain and body growth. After a day of getting stimulation with his mother and nutrient intake in the evening, the baby's body begin to digest and grow. About 175 percent of the baby's brain development occurs in the first 36 months of age. What is needed now optimal stimulation and balanced nutrition.

At bedtime, the growth of brain cells go faster especially influential in the restoration of emotional and cognitive. Sleep includes two phases, namely REM (rapid eye movement) and Non-REM alternately.

When REM or active sleep, increases blood flow to the brain and occurs autostimulasi brain function so that the growth of brain cells faster. In this phase also occurs rearrangement or consolidation of experiences that will support emotional and cognitive development of children. While during non-REM or tidurtenang, energy conservation and improvement occurs the body's cells, and the expenditures required for growth hormone physical. The older age of the child, the longer the quiet phase of sleep.

In addition to sleep that night, the baby until the age of three years still need a nap. Starting age of 3-4 years, children have not had a nap

Source : sm

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Posted by Anggo82 on Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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