
Tips for Protecting Your Children beautiful eyes From Objects Foreign

Actually have a reflex eye blink so no matter who approached him, but this reflex is not always successful. Get smth. In the eye or eyes possessed by an object would not always take us to the doctor, there are several things you can do yourself.
If eye exposure to small objects (sand, dust, flakes):

* Wash hands before examining the eye
* Do not touch, press, let alone let the kids kept rubbing his eyes
* Do not try to take things in the eyes except by rinsing because of the risk of damaging the eye tissue, especially the cornea.
* Place the bowl in front of the child and ask him to bend his head so that the affected eye is on the bottom.
* Slowly, pull the lower eyelid and ask the child open his eyes wide as possible. For infants and toddlers, may need help from others.
* Little by little, boiled water stream lukewarm from the glass into the affected eye. If there is, fluid can be replaced with sterile saline (Nacl) 0.9% flow Try not too swift or too little.
* Take about 15 minutes, check every 5 minutes to see if foreign matter is removed
* If there is discomfort in the eye though is rinsed or foreign body was also out, consult a physician. Moreover, when the red in the eyes is not lost, there might be a little tissue damage or infection that needs treatment.
If eye exposure to foreign objects large enough
Can occur when children play pencil and pencil tip into the eye, or he accidentally dropped the glass and bounced into the eyes of fractions, or in accidents.

* First, do not panic
* Take your child immediately to the emergency room, we do not know how deeply it went into the eyeball.
* During took the boy to the hospital, close the affected eye. When a small object, use the eye lid or sterile gauze. If a large object, close your eyes affected with small cups that were fixed. The goal is to reduce the pressure in the eye
* Calm and make it as comfortable as possible until help arrives
If the eyes exposed to chemicals
Many chemicals around the home are dangerous when exposed to the eyes as it can react to cause eye damage. What to do?

* The most important is to prevent your baby does not come into contact with these chemicals.
* When that happens, immediately stream lukewarm boiled water into the affected eye for 15-30 minutes.
* If the child continues to appear in pain or blurred vision, brought to the emergency room.
Bruised eye
Bruising in the eye may occur when children play. Probably no foreign objects in his eyes, but the bruising around the eyes or even in the eyes may make you worry. If you are not sure of the condition of his eyes, check with your doctor to make sure nothing serious. This can be done if there is bruising around the eyes

* Cold: performed every 5-10 minutes, then rested the next 5-10 minutes. Cold compress can be made of ice wrapped in a towel or a sock. If there is no ice, use cold water compresses for a while.
* Apply warm: performed 1-2 days after a cold compress. Warm compresses can also help reduce the color of bruises
* Give antinyeri drugs such as paracetamol. Avoid the use of ibuprofen or aspirin because of fear will increase bleeding.
* Elevate your head and make it healthy to sleep with their eyes on the bottom
* If the eyes grow red, there is a solution out of the eye, continuous pain, decreased vision, or of both eyes to form a black glass eyes, immediately report it to the doctor. Also if you see any bleeding in the whites of the eye ball, especially around the cornea.
Another way you can do is pour water in the basin. Then dip the child's eyes to it. Perhaps the object could get out. But remember, do not do anything if the object stuck in the eye. Close your eyes with gauze or a clean handkerchief and then plastered and immediately take it to the nearest hospital.

Source : SM

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Posted by Anggo82 on Friday, April 08, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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