
Wife to be taunt, Nicolas Sarkozy angry

French President Nicolas Sarkozy furious and threatened to "destroy the face of" a political editor of a magazine in a conversation for 40 minutes after the magazine was called a teaser male Carla Bruni (maneater).
The incident occurred in 2008, they said in a newly released biography, as reported in The Telegraph on Thursday (04/07/2011). Sarkozy's threat was prompted by an article in the French news magazine, Le Point, which offers "24 tips for the President before his marriage with Mademoiselle Bruni". One of the tips which reads, "Do not introduce your new wife to your sons, Barack Obama or handsome man."
In a new book titled M. Le President, Franz-Olivier Giesbert, Director of Le Point, reveal what he said bursts of angry words from President Sarkozy related article. Sarkozy called up not long after Le Point magazine January 2008 edition in circulation. According Giesbert, Sarkozy started with a few pleasantries before and then suddenly turn into fury.
"The article is rubbish and I have to slap your face," said Sarkozy as written Giesbert.
Giesbert replied, "Are you threatening me?" Sarkozy fired back, "You wanted it."
"There's no reason you and Carla to feel offended," answered Giesbert.
"I'm sure you yourself would blow up if I write that your wife a whore and everyone was asleep denganya, even (he) wanted to have sex with your kids," added the French president.
"Our magazine never mentions Carla prostitute," said Giesbert.
Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy, 43, known to have a special relationship with a number of celebrities including Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton and Donald Trump before marrying Mr Sarkozy more than two years ago. Recognition of pre-illegitimate that he "easily bored with monogamy" has become a famous quote.
Sarkozy urged the magazine published a written apology, but was rejected. "You'll see what I will do to you," warned Sarkozy against Giesbert. According to Giesbert, the President had then tried to pressure the owner of Le Point, which is miliader in the field of luxury goods François Pinault, to fire Giesbert, but it did not work.
Giesbert said, Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy himself who then defuse the situation by taking the phone, then said, "Forgive him. But Nicolas did'm so in love, so you know. He does not want people to write things like this about me."
Giesbert, 62, a famous writer. He wrote a biting but accurate biography of the socialist French President François Mitterrand last. Biography of Mr Sarkozy's predecessor, President Tragedy, a bestselling book. There Giesbert Chirac described the "giant" sex obsessed "drank it all" but "did not retain anything, even his friends.".

Source : Kmp

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Posted by Anggo82 on Friday, April 08, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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