
"Gaddafi is the leader of crazy" said Al-Qaeda

Magazine of al-Qaeda, Inspire, published in March 2011 featuring the theme of unrest in Libya. In the magazine, the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said to be crazy and false leaders.

This news is taken from page Indian Express, Friday, April 1, 2011, the fifth edition of the magazine that just published on the internet is featuring a major article written by the scholars of al-Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki, titled "Tsunami of Change".

In this story said that, the leader of Libya Gaddafi will fall and be known by history as a false leader craziest ever. This, says Awlaki, is because many contradictions, lies, and a variety of silly stupidity and conspiracy that he had done.

The magazine also presents writings from leaders of both al-Qaeda is also saying the same thing about Gaddafi. He said that Gaddafi is the enemy of God that must be eradicated.

"We do not know which is funnier. Contradiction that Gaddafi quotes itself in the green book or how he started his interview with the BBC with a proud laugh," said Zawahiri. Green book is the book the basic principles that are written by Gaddafi's Libya.

Al-Qaeda does not directly express his views on the unrest in the Middle East, but they said that the leaders of countries that have churned out blemish.

"The enemies of God that faith and act like big stars to show the world the lies, deception and the leadership of their tyranny," wrote a note in the magazine.

Note without the author's name is said that the Libyans have been trying to counter these false leaders for the right reasons. They said that among all the Middle East dictators, Gaddafi is the leader and terkonyol worst.

"We ask our brothers and sisters in Libya to continue resistance against the regime of Gaddafi and be patient until the collapse of tyranny," wrote the note again.

English-language magazine was first published in July that one of his articles contain writings of Osama bin Laden and Awlaki. In the inaugural issue also contained an article entitled "Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom" ​​who teaches a pipe bomb with improvised material - that can even be found in the kitchen of the house.

The magazine is included in the media network Al Qaeda, Al-Fajr Media Center, which aims to provide propaganda for the militants in western countries.

Domestic U.S. Department of Defense (DHS) admitted worry publishing this magazine can inspire Americans to launch future attacks. (SJ)

Source : vivanews

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Posted by Anggo82 on Friday, April 01, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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