
Samsung Will Sue Back Apple Again

Samsung has just been accused of imitating Apple's technology. It may feel hot, the giant Korean technology device maker indicated would require turning.

Samsung, as reported Monday (4/18/2011), accused of copying technology, design and even the packaging that Apple has on their Android-based devices, and mobile Galaxy Galaxy Tab. This demand officially submitted to the District Court for the Northern District of California.

"Instead of pursuing an independent product development, Samsung has chosen slavishly copying the innovative technology, unique interface, and an elegant and distinctive products and packaging design of Apple," Apple said in the suit.

These complaints include 10 claim patent infringement, trademark infringement and two two trade dress infringement, plus business practices and unjust enrichment.

Now Samsung, as reported, seems to not want to stay silent. They suggest the plan be prepared to counterattack.

"We (Samsung) think Apple has violated our patents on communications standards. We are considering a counterclaim," said a spokeswoman for Samsung in Seoul news agency, Yonhap. Still not clear where the patent related communication standards that will be used as weapons Apple Samsung strike back.

Samsung is one of the largest suppliers of computer components such as processors and RAM. Manufacturers based in Seoul, South Korea, according to technology website All Things D and had even predicted to be a supplier for the display panel IPAD.

source : tdy

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Posted by Anggo82 on Thursday, April 21, 2011. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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