Cholesterol Content of Eggs Decreased
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Good news for egg lovers. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Sunday (12/06/2011) announced a change of nutrients in eggs. One of them, cholesterol content decreased.
Based on the routine evaluation of the nutritional content of food by the USDA to local food, compared with 2002, the eggs are in circulation today contain 14 percent less cholesterol and has more vitamin D (64 percent).
In one large egg now there are only 185 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol, a decrease of 212 mg and 41 IU of vitamin D or an increase of 18 IU of vitamin D. In addition, eggs also contain the number of calories are still the same, namely 70 calories and 6 grams of protein.
The American Egg Board states that these changes are influenced by feeding on chickens, including the addition of supplemental vitamin D.
Although the amount of cholesterol fewer eggs, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults are advised to limit cholesterol intake of less than 300 mg per day so that an egg can still contain half of the recommended cholesterol. In fact, intake of cholesterol is also obtained from other foods.
Cholesterol is a type of fat that hang around in the blood with the help of proteins called lipoproteins. When excessive levels, cholesterol accumulates in blood vessel walls that can eventually clog the blood vessel walls.
The increase in cholesterol can occur because the food intake in our body. Previously, animal fat, saturated oil variety, and eggs are good sources of cholesterol that should be avoided to reduce cholesterol levels. Although egg yolks are high in cholesterol, it does not mean we should not eat eggs at all. In fact, as described previously, the content of nutrients in the egg changes. But, nevertheless we should still be cautious because an egg still contains half of the recommended cholesterol. Therefore we need to understand where the egg-containing proteins and which are high in cholesterol.
Egg yolks In a large enough egg yolk contained at least 213 mg of cholesterol. That's why when this morning the egg into your breakfast menu, you should note the cholesterol content of other food sources. For example, you can replace the cream with skim milk susufull.
Every day, we are advised to limit the maximum cholesterol content of 300 mg per day. People who LDL or bad cholesterol is very high and taking cholesterol-lowering drugs may only contain cholesterol less than 200 mg per day. In addition to the egg as a side dish, avoid eating foods made from eggs, such as bread or cake.
Separate egg whites from the yolks will make your menus consumed eggs are free of cholesterol as egg white does not contain cholesterol. Therefore, the experts at the Mayo Clinic recommends egg whites instead of eggs, for example to make a cake or cooking.
Eggs taste can be a complete food and nutrients recommended for you to reduce your intake of other foods that contain cholesterol. In research on the diet 17 000 health workers are known for 14 years, eating one egg per day does not increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. The study was published in 1999 dalamJournal of the American Medical Association.