
Beware! Aspirin Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that the habit of taking aspirin or painkillers can adversely affect men's sexual life? One study found that men who drank frequently aspirin were more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.

As quoted from Reuters, a study in the United States says there is a relationship between sexual problems with painkillers. Researchers found 38 percent of regular users of drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and Celebrex will experience erectile dysfunction than men who do not take painkillers.

The drugs are said to limit the hormones that regulate male erectile process, according to dr. Joseph Gleason, a urologist from Los Angeles, USA. Even so, Gleason said that this finding means that there is a relationship not a painkiller with impotence problems.

The influence of painkillers to the problem of erectile dysfunction in men is not based on high or low doses of aspirin are consumed. One example in men who consumed aspririn with low doses because they have a high risk of heart disease. Even though they take aspirin with low dose, can still affect blood vessels of the penis because it was not in prime condition.

If your partner is one of the men who frequently experience premature ejaculation, do not always worry. One way to overcome the problem is with the adult movies. According to Dr. Lin Fa Chai, expert urologists from Singapore, watch adult movies has benefits to cure premature ejaculation.

Source : wlp

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Posted by Anggo82 on Tuesday, April 19, 2011. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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